Copy as Picture in Excel

If you copy and paste from an Excel workbook into e.g. Word, everything suddenly looks different. The gridlines disappear, and Word might also change the width of the columns and the height of the rows. What we want to do is to take a snapshot; to copy as a picture. But how? In Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 there is an easy way to do it, which I’m going to show you here. This works with both cell selections and charts.

In Excel 2010, select the range you want to take a snapshot of and click on the little arrow next to Copy, as shown on the picture below. Choose Copy as Picture.

If you want to do this often, you might want to use the shortcut instead: Alt => H => C => P => Enter

In the dialog box, choose As shown on screen and Picture.

Paste into Word, Powerpoint, Outlook or another application, and it will look like this:

In Excel 2007 you will find this feature in the paste menu (don’t ask me why…):

7 thoughts on “Copy as Picture in Excel

  1. Hi Audun,
    Great post, but I would just like to add something if you don’t mind…
    Even if you simply copy a range (ctrl + c) and insert it into Word or PowerPoint using paste special -> paste as picture, you’ll get the same effect. To be frank, I don’t really know why the Copy as Picture functionality has been given, as I don’t see a unique use for it.

    • I agree! However, with the feature I described above you’ll get a picture no matter which program you paste it into. With other MS Office programs it can be just as easy to do it your way:)

  2. I somehow have managed to change the default function of the copy button to “copy as picture” and can’t figure out how to change it back. ctrl-c is behaving the same (copy as picture). very annoying. any advice? thanks.

    • How did you set it as default function ? FYI : while pasting the content use
      CTRL+SHIFT+V . Now you could see the behavior changed.

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